Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
Each week features a book related topic that offers the opportunity to spotlight your Top Ten.
Top Ten Authors I Would Like to Meet
1. Becky Wade
2. Mary Weber
3. Dani Pettrey
4. Laura Frantz
5. Lisa T. Bergren
6. Karen Witmeyer
7. Lynn Austin
8. Jen Turano
9. Jocelyn Green
10. Jody Hedlund
Even though all of these authors write in different genres, they all have several things in common, they all write amazing stories!!
Each of these authors has written a story that that has just stuck with me, and has also has a story, or several, that has just popped with it's story telling attention to detail. I would love to meet each of these authors. I would want to ask them writing questions, and just learn what I could from them.
Who would you want to meet?

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