Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Artsy Read Girl.
Each week features a book related topic to spotlight your Top Ten.
Books On My TBR That Have Been Waiting to Be Read
I have a horrible habit of buying books. Well....not just buying books. That isn't bad, bad as in, I have so many books that I see and go,
"Oh! I want to read that, I don't know when I will be able to, but I'll buy it anyway."
And, then they sit...Sadly, I've had some sit for a while...well, not quite a while, some for years, because this is a cycle that never ends. The shiny covers call to me.
That will probably be me. What a way to go!!
So, here are the books I will hopefully of these days.
You can click on these fantastic covers for more information on Goodreads about these fantastic books.
Marie is a story that has intrigued me since I read about it. I got it when I did a big book order, but it has been sitting on my shelf waiting.
Rekindled, I don't know why I haven't read it yet. I love Tamera Alexandra's books, but I haven't read this one yet.
To Kill A Mockingbird is an odd one I know. A lot of people have read it in school, but it wasn't one I read. I hear it's a good book, but just haven't had time yet.
Cinder...this one I'm scared to read. I've heard so many amazing things, I'm worried the hype maybe bigger then the book.
The Selection. Another one where the hype was big, but nervous to read it. I love the idea of it, but haven't tried it yet.
The Lady of Bolton Hill I can kick myself over. I love Elizabeth Camden's books, but this is the only one I haven't read yet. I bought this one in a big book purchase.
Queen of the Waves synopsis hooked me, but it has been a time issue. The cover is gorgeous, but, it still sits.
These Broken Stars is one I heard a lot of good things about, but I haven't opened it yet. It has glowing reviews, the cover caught me, but sadly still haven't read it.
Edenbrook I have heard so many great things, it has been recommended to me so many times, but is one that has just sat on myself. It was in one of my big Amazon book buys. Purchased with the best of intentions.
Shades of Milk and Honey is a story that popped up on Goodreads. When I saw the reviews I wanted it and ended up getting it for a Christmas present a few years ago, but never dove into the pages.
Doon and the rest of the series, I have heard great and glowing things about. I love the authors, but I haven't read the books yet.
So Shines the Night is one of the last books I have left to read by the author. Her detail to ancient history has me hooked, but I have yet to read it...but I think I have good excuse on this one. My mom took the book and I haven't gotten it back.
Any that you just can't wait to read?

1 comment
I've read "Doon," and liked it. "The Selection" are "happy place" reads that really are simplistic, but nonetheless entertaining stories. Ooo, and I read Tamera's years ago. It's been way to long to remember it now. Someday I want to read "Shades of Milk and Honey"! Hope you enjoy all of these, Kate. :)
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