I received Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo w/ Lynn Vinvent, for a Christmas present. I had heard a little bit about it, but I started to look into when my mom mentioned she would like it, she ended up with a copy and so did I! Yay!
This book...wow! It is powerful.This little boy, Colton Burpo, when through a trying time, to say the least. At the age of 3 years 10 months, had a ruptured appendix and it flooded his system with poison for 5 days. He was on the brink of death, went through surgery and dealt with some tough things in his hospital stay. Right when he was about to go home, the doctor stops the family to let them know, they can't go, a test shows something is wrong and Colton needs another surgery. They almost loose this little boy again, but a miracle happens and he is a happy and healthy little boy.
Several months after his release from the hospital, Colton starts speaking of heaven. The first surgery we went through, he went to heaven for 3 minutes. He said he sat in Jesus' lap. The innocence of which Colton speaks is so powerful. He speaks of meeting John the Baptist and seeing Gabriel and meeting his Great-Grandpa and also the older sister his mom had miscarried a year before he was born. He also says that the most beautiful feature of Jesus is his eyes. It's a very touching read. I will admit, it made me cry, in a good way. It is a to read!
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