Rules of Murder

January 17, 2014

Title: Rules of Murder
Author: Julianna Deering
Publisher: Bethany House
Pages: 331
ISBN: 978-0-7642-1095-2
Publication Date: August 1st, 2013

Introducing Drew Farthering

From The Tip of his black Homburg to the crease in his stylish cheviot trousers, he's the epitome of a stylish 1930s English gentleman. His only problem? The body he just discovered.

Drew Farthering loves a good mystery, although he generally expects to find it in the pages of a novel, not on the grounds of his country estate.

With the help of beautiful and whip-smart Madeline Parker, a guest from America, Drew proposes to use the lessons he's learned reading his mysteries to solve the crime. Before long, he realizes this is no lark, and no one at Farthering Place is who he or she appears to be—not the butler nor blackmailer, the chauffeur nor embezzler. Trying hard to remain one step ahead of the killer—and trying harder to impress Madeline—Drew must decide how far to take this dangerous game.
What a fun and mysterious adventure this was!

If your dream is to time travel, this book is the book to do just that. Rules of Murder takes you back to the time of the 1930's. Not the 1930's of America and prohibition, this is the 1930's of England. The war is over and people are back into their routines. Gentlemen and ladies are around, but are shifting with the changing times. And the parties are hopping!

Drew Farthering is a young man in his twenties. He is now in charge of the his family's estate, since he father passed away when he was younger. He hasn't been particularly close to his mother, but he is close to the people who are on staff. Especially the butler Dennison and his son, Nick, who he was raised with. Drew is quick with quips and is fun to follow along. Life for him seems very enjoyable and promises to get better when he finds out that the niece of his stepfather and her friends are coming to visit.

A party has been planned to celebrate the new arrivals. Everyone is dressed to the nines and are cast of characters are in play. We are introduced to Madeline Parker, Mason Parker's niece. She brings with her a freshness to story, as Drew brings his humor. They are a fun pair to read between. However, the festivities of the evening come crashing down when dead body is discovered in the green house on the estate. The search and chase is on from here.

The story takes you in so many different directions. Each part that was reveled led me to a new thought to who the murderer could be, only to have that thrown away a short time later.

The writing was suburb and brought this period in time alive with dialog and the the actions of each person. Each character brought something to the story. The detail to the crimes was good, as was the police work. I enjoyed that immensely. 

I look forward to reading more about Drew Farthering in this series!
Too Read!
5 out of 5


  1. I can't wait for the next one in February!! :)

  2. I'm excited about it too! I'm kind of glad I waited to read this one so it's a shorter wait. :-)

  3. Great review, Kate. I think I will read this next!

  4. Thanks Merry! It was a fun story!


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