Author: Dannah Gresh
Publisher: Harvest House
Pages: 192
ISBN: 978-0-7369-6114-1
Publication Date: August 1st, 2014
With all the pressures and influences of today's world, Christian moms worry about their little girls and how they will grow up. Quality time between a mom and a daughter can be the greatest protection against the world's pressures to make a girl mature too quickly. Knowing this, Dannah Gresh, popular speaker and founder of the Secret Keeper Girl conferences, has developed a host of dating ideas to help moms invest the time needed to deeply connect with their daughters.Review:
8 Great Dates includes fun mother-daughter get-togethers, perfect one-on-one or for a small group of moms and their energetic 8-12 year-old daughters. Each date focuses on one topic surrounding beauty and modesty and is full of fun while at the same time imparting a life and faith-enhancing message. The book provides a mom with everything she needs to plan and carry out the activities and includes topics such as:
Here's the secret to bringing up healthy, grounded, and spiritually rich girls!
- The power of true beauty--what makes a girl beautiful?
- Truth or bare fashions--how to balance fashion and godly modesty
- Hair, makeup and clothes--who should be your model?
My littles still may not be in the age range of this book, but after reading it, it helped in getting a game plan ready for when she gets there. With today's constant bombardment of image and looks and products and just of things to change a girl from who she is to something else, it's a battle and a young impressionable mind is the battlefield. I remember when I was that age, it wasn't fun then, I can't imagine now with all of this technology. Self esteem is so important and keeping it positive and on God's designed path can be tricky.
Dannah Gresh broke down each section well and she kept everything right to the point. You don't want to swim in pages of overflowing info when wanting to talk to your kid. This was spot on. Not too little and not too much. With each section there is also activity pages. They were good in jumping into topics and guiding them where they need to go and they were wrapped up in scripture that fit with that particular section.
The activity ideas seemed like great ideas. Girl days are important, at least to me, they offer a little more fun in life and they don't have to be expensive. The ideas offered ranged from going to have a tea at a restaurant to giving facial at home. Each mommy/daughter date of course worked with that subject.
I enjoyed this book for all of the different ideas. I think it can be a very useful tool for moms and dads (who can be help with a couple of things that were mentioned). I will be hanging on to this for future reference.
Too Read
4 out of 5
About the Author:
Dannah Gresh is an author, a speaker, and the creator of the Secret Keeper Girl live events. She has sold over 1.3 million books, including Six Ways to Keep the "Little" in Your Girl, A Girl's Guide to Best Friends and Mean Girls (coauthored with Suzy Weibel), 8 Great Dates for Moms and Daughters, the bestselling And the Bride Wore White, and Lies Young Women Believe (coauthored with Nancy Leigh DeMoss). She and her husband have a son and two daughters and live in Pennsylvania.
Thank you to Harvest House, I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review.

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