Top Ten Tuesday: Binge Worthy Shows & Movies

September 4, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Artsy Read Girl.
Each week features a book related topic to spotlight your Top Ten.

Binge Worthy TV Shows & Movies

There are days where reading isn't happening, or I'm in a mood, or just don't feel good. When that happens, I binge watch my favorite shows. I always watching things that will either A.) Lighten the mood and make me smile or B.) watching something that is dark and fits my mood or C) it's something for background noise, or so I think and I get sucked into it everytime. I have a wide verity of things I like to watch. :-)



 I know there are a few more of each of these categorizes, but it's hard to remember them all.

What are your binge worthy shows or movies?
There are several new things and reboots starting soon I can't wait to watch and see if I need to add it to my list.

What's on your list?
Anything new or old you can't wait to watch?


  1. I just recently watched The Greatest Showman - the soundtrack is marvelous!

    Check out my TTT and my plans for Fall Bookish Bingo

    1. The soundtrack is fantastic! I love the music.
      And thanks for sharing! Fall Bookish Bingo sounds fun!

  2. I use Guy’s Grocery Games as background noise. I hate cooking, but I love cooking shows.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. AJ, I don't mind cooking, but watching is a lot better! You don't have to clean up afterwards!

  3. I almost never watch television. Even the shows that I've started and would like to watch, like The Americans, Vikings, Survivor, and The Amazing Race... I never get around to watching.

    I would like to watch Downton Abbey someday. But I kinda have to make time to watch TV to do so, LOL.

  4. Shark Tank is so entertaining! I love it! Wonder if it's coming back soon?


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