In most cases, I like the book so much more then the movie. In this case, I love the book over the movie. There are so many little things left out of the movie that are in the book that play such a big part in the story later on.
This book gave me such a shock when I first read a few years ago. I had seen all the movies that had been out to date at the time. I thought the movies were great and a lot of fun. Picked up the books and started reading. The first two movies, fairly close to the books. Third was a little off, but it was ok. When I got to this book, the fourth one. I was mad at the movie.
There were characters cut out in the movie, ideas switched to other characters and several other things. There is a lot of mystery in Goblet of Fire. It isn't just one thing that keeps you guessing but many. It isn't solely who put Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire, even though it's left open for many possibilities. It is up in the air and leaves you guessing till the end. It is fun seeing the build up to it however on these re-reads.
By the end of Goblet of Fire, we're ready to dive in head first into the rest of this story of Harry Potter. This is a to read!
When I first read the series, I read all seven books in two weeks, because I was just desperate to reach the end of the story and find out how it ended. Now, it takes me about a week to get through Goblet of Fire, which I believe is the thickest book of the series with over 700+ pages. I always recommend a re-read to anyone on this series, there is so much information that is so easy to miss.
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