It just dawned on me that Easter is fast approaching! I knew it was, I've already got things for the kiddo's Easter basket, but I just noticed how many days...16! Almost 2 weeks away. I know the rush for Easter basket stuff is going to happen soon, so I thought it would be fun to focus on some books for the basket.

The Beginners Bible by Kelly Pulley
Jesus Calling: Bible Storybook by Sarah Young
Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions for Kids by Sarah Young
365 Very Veggies Devos for Girls by Freeman-Smith
The Beginners Bible: Kid-Sized Devotions by Kelly Pulley
365 Very Veggie Devos for Boys by Freeman-Smith
I love Easter, and not just for all the awesome chocolate that can be found...but it is a bonus. Easter is wonderful because it brings with it a promise. A Promise Jesus made and kept when he died on that cross. He showed us such love by dying for us and then beating death when He rose from that grave. What better way to celebrate, then by sharing the wonderful stories of the Bible.
For the next couple of weeks, I'm going to be featuring some other wonderful Easter books, so stay tuned! Hopefully it will to keep the kiddo's baskets from being 100% filled with candy.

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