January Photo Book Challenge: Week 2

January 16, 2015

I'm still going strong with the #JanBookChallenge2015 on Instagram (check it out if you like). It's a lot of fun for me to see what the category is for the day. It allows me to go through and search all my books, which I love to do.
And holy cow! January is speeding by.

Week 2:
Day 8: Saddest Book
Ok, these aren't sad, but the emotions are very real in these stories and each lead dealt with some hard things that I connected with and the sadness was one of the emotions.

Day 9: Currently Reading
I've since finished reading this one. :-)

Day 10: Author Starting With "S"

Day 11: Best Ending
Picking one, again isn't going to happen. These are just a few I have loved. There are many others, especially series endings.

Day 12: Purple Books
I was quite surprised by how many of them I had! Love purple! There needs to be more books that use purple.

Day 13: Favorite Character
Carl Richards. Talk about Swoon worthy hero!

Day 14: Favorite Fandom

I am having so much fun taking these pics. 
Is anyone else trying a challenge right now?


Thanks for stopping by. Leave a word, leave a line, I would love to hear what you have to say.

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