Stacking the Shelves is hosted Tynga's Reviews.
Each week offers the opportunity to spotlight the books that you have gotten this past week. They can the books you received for review, bought, borrowed, or won.

Remember the Lilies by Liz Tolsma (Litfuse Publicity)
Sabotaged by Dani Pettrey (From the Author)

The First Four Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder
These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
It's been a very exciting book week for me! New releases I've been anxiously awaiting have come and I completed my collection of the full color edition of LHotP. My old Little House books have been beat up from years worth of reading.
How was your week?

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