January Photo Book Challenge: Week 3

January 23, 2015

Good grief! January is flying by and I'm a little late in posting. Third week of the challenge is done and it's time to share the fun!

Week 3:
Day 15: Book & Jewelry
Ah, nothing better then mixing my two obsessions!

Day 16: Worst Cover
Ok, the cover itself isn't' bad, it's the color of the book. Neon green. It sticks out like a sore thumb on my shelf. Green is nice, just not so fluorescent. The hard back was great all black, just didn't have room for it.

 Day 17: Favorite Childhood Book
I couldn't read hardly as a child because of dyslexia. However after I finally learned to read, these books became my friends and helped me. They were also all gifts. LCS from my aunt & uncle, LW and JE from my grandpa, and LH and Mara from my parents. Granted Mara was a school book. :-)

Day 18: Favorite Book to Movie Adaptation 
Ok, this may seem like a weird one. I love the movie! When I first read the book I was shocked by how much was left out of the movie. It was like reading a whole new story and I loved that!

Day 19: Favorite Quote
C.S. Lewis

Day 20: Bookshelf
This is just part of my historical fiction shelf.

Day 21: Favorite Book Couple
 Ron & Hermione

What is your favorite book quote?
I'm always on the hunt for more of them.

And movie adaptations...do you like the older movies or the new adaptations?


  1. Fun! I really like your Little Women edition and the jewelry. Pretty picture. :)

  2. Thanks, Rissi! Just received that copy of LW for Christmas. Loving all of the new covers for the classics.


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