Today's topic focuses on Middle Grade/ Young Adult Books. And there is also the ability for a free topic.
Middle Grade/ Young Adult
final genre of discussion is one that we know is a popular one these
days: books for the younger crowd, from middle grade to young adult. If
you do not normally talk about this genre on your site, maybe you want
to feature books that you remember impacting you during this stage in
your life. If this is where you tend to gravitate, maybe you want to
list your favorites, make recommendations based on genres, or feature
some titles that you are excited to read coming later this year.
I will say, I did not get in to YA until I was in my 20's and I'm still reading them in my 30's. I have found they can be a great light read with fantastic plots.
I don't think I will ever stop reading these books either. It will help stay updated to what kids are reading as my littles keeps growing and it will give me and the littles something else to talk about when she is older.
Here are some of my favorites:

The River of Time Series by Lisa Tawn Bergen
Time traveling teenagers. It is a fun adventure packed story and I can't wait for the 5th and final book!
I also can't forget....
The Safe Lands by Jill Williamson
A fast paced story. I can't wait for the third book to come out this year.
I also can't forget....
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I just loved these books.
Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
So much awesomeness.
I'm also looking forward to reading the Allegiant by Veronica Roth. I
have it, but haven't gotten around to reading it. Along with, These
Broken Stars, Doon, The Selection, By Darkness Hid by Jill Williamson,
and Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore. These are currently sitting on my
shelf. There are many others that I have enjoyed, but these are the ones that are my favorites.
As far as Middle Grade, I haven't read much new stuff in that genre yet, but I think it will be picking up in the next couple of years.
At that age I was reading the classics: Jane Eyre, Little Women, Little House of the Prairie.
I have discovered Rick Riordan and have enjoyed his recent works. I've also found Amanda Flowers' new series Andi Unexpected which was great.
What about you?

I was firmly in the classics in middle grades too. And those books are still good!
ReplyDeleteIn my middle grade years I read alot of Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie and (oddly!)...Trixie Belden! Oh, and Edgar Allen Poe. Hope you had a great Armchair BEA week!
ReplyDeleteI haven't ventured into a lot of middle grade stuff yet. I did mention one, Escape from Mr Lemoncello's Library, on my Armchair BEA Day 5.
ReplyDeleteHave to say my middle grade reading experience was pretty much the same as everyone else. Loved Poe.
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