Bout of Books 10: Day 1 Update/ Day 2 Challenges

May 13, 2014

Bout of Books

Pages Read: 133
Books Finished: 0
Total Books Read: 0
Total Pages Read: 133

Books You're Looking Forward To
These can be the books to be published soon or books that are on your TBR.

On My TBR Shelf:
 Many of these books I have been on my bookshelf for a a while. I can't wait to have time to read them.


  1. A couple of those books are ones I'm thinking about reading someday. Hope you enjoy them when you have the time to read the books. :)

    My challenge post: Christian Bookshelf Reviews

  2. Thanks, Melanie. Haha, you know the time issue like I do well. :-) I hope you enjoy yours as well!


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