Feature & Follow Friday #3

June 27, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee. It's a fun meme and blog hop where you can meet a whole lot of other awesome bloggers. Each week, there is a different topic or activity to discuss.

This weeks topic:

Q: What is your preferred reading format? Hardcover, eBooks, paperback etc?

I am stuck in the old ways. I am a fan of printed books. Either hardback or paperback. I will say however, for sake of comfort, I prefer paperback, because when you have 1,000 page+ read, oh, how it can hurt the wrist. I don't even own an e-reader, but I will say with experience from my phone, if you drop an electronic device on your face, it hurts far worse than an open book. 

Plus, I love seeing books on my bookshelf when I've finished reading them. They are my little trophies. 

So, what is your preferred reading method? I would love to hear!

One last thing, I  would like to be followed on Bloglovin'. With everything going on with GFC and its possible demise on July 1st (which stinks!).

Follow on Bloglovin

I do also have RSS, Twitter, and Facebook as well.


  1. Hopping through. Oooh...Waterfall. That was such a good book. I love seeing photos of books :-)
    My Hop

  2. I loved Waterfall and Cascade. I can't wait to read the other 2 that are out. The books are some of my newest reads and had to share. :-) Thanks for hopping through!

  3. I guess it can be hard on the wrist, but hardcovers are just so pretty and durable! I'm getting genuinely scared that GFC is actually going away. I've been convincing myself that it's not, but as July 1st gets closer and closer, it's been starting to sink in...

    New follower via bloglovin'! Check out my FF at www.myviewpointonbooks.blogspot.com

    1. They are durable and that is a very good thing! I know how you feel. The whole GFC thing is confusing to me and I kind of won't believe it till I see it, but I guess it's better to be safe then sorry.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Such a good answer. I completely agree. Happy weekend :)

    following via bloglovin


    1. Thanks. I saw we have the same views with your FF.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. While I love print, and beautiful covers, ebooks are currently winning just due to the amount of books I can carry around with me. I may be a book hoarder.

    Mei @ Diary of a Fair Weather Diver

    1. There is nothing wrong with being a book hoarder. :-) That is a good point about e-readers, you can take all your books around.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I'm with ya! Loving your books, they're so beautiful!! :DD I may have to read them because they look so good (guilty for judging a book by its cover). New follower, hope you'll come visit me at my here.


    1. Haha! Sometimes, it's just the covers that catch my eye.

      Thanks for stopping by! I will definitely visit your blog.

  7. I never used to read ebooks very often either, because it really strained my eyes to be reading on my iPad or phone for very long. When I got a Nook simple touch though, I started reading on it more. Though I'll read in whatever format I can!

    New Bloglovin' follower :)

    ~ Nikki @ There were books involved...

    1. That's good you are flexible! Sometimes it is hard to avoid one format or another.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I do agree it is nice to see the books of the shelf after you've finished reading. I think that's why I love goodreads so much.

    Following back via bloglovin':)

    1. Books on a shelf are like trophies. :-) Goodreads is good, although, I'm so far behind in listing all the books I've read. I'm up today for 2013.


  9. Heavy as books get, it is it s 1000+ pages I want hardback. I will use a book prop or lie on my stomach but still. Paperbacks just don't hold up with that much weight it seems.
    New Follower via Bloglovin and GFC.
    Here is my FF.

    1. A book prop is a good idea. I will get the the hardbacks if that is the only one they have. I do not want to wait another year and a half for mass trade. :-) Thanks!


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