Book Blogger Hop (2)

July 26, 2013

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer.

Question of the Week:
How do you organize your books to be read?

Right now, it's not that organized. The books for review are kept on my desk in sight. They are priority, while the books I have bought are in stacks in several places. Thankfully my father is skilled in carpentry and he is making me a brand new bookshelf to keep the to be read in order. When I have it, the review books will be on the top shelf and the ones I buy will be on the lower shelves, by author and by genre. It will be as organized then as my books I have read.


  1. Nothing like a new bookshelf waiting to be filled! It sounds like a great system.
    Enjoy the hop!

  2. I NEED a book shelf maker in my family! I kick myself that my grandfather was a furniture maker and that none of us (I mean NO ONE AT ALL in the family) bothered to ask him to teach us this skill. Perhaps I should go to a class or something, maybe it is genetically programmed into my DNA :)

  3. I have my TBR books on one shelf too, but I also use an Excel spreadsheet to keep my books in the order I need to read them.

    A visual display of the books on the shelf in addition to my Excel list helps keep me organized.

    Stop by for my full, organized answer if you like. :)

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  4. I totally do the in-a-stack-near-my-desk-thing. Congratulations on the new bookshelf! I need one! Reading, Writing & Ruckus

  5. @Susan, Thanks! I can't wait to have new shelf, it's needed. :-)
    Thanks! I hope you enjoy as well!

  6. @Nicole, I'm so thankful to have a craftsman in the family. It's very helpful. :-) I recommend a class. It would be fun to know how to do the work, even basic.

  7. @Elizabeth, A spread sheet is a great way to keep thing organized. I'm not that proficient with that application how ever. Thanks for the link, I'll hop by!

  8. @Jolene, It's been helpful with them close by. :-)
    Thanks for hopping by!

  9. Looking at most people's answers I notice there is not much organizing going on aside from putting review books at the forefront. That's pretty much how it goes I guess. Check out my answer:

  10. Kate this is the first time I've stumbled upon your blog, and I love the design, it's so visually appealing without being OTT.

    You are so lucky to have a carpenter as a Father! I'd make one of those beautiful bookshelves with a ladder!

    My Friday Hop

  11. @Jazmen, I think so. Reviews first then whatever catches my eye. :-)
    Thanks for stopping by!

  12. @Angelic Joy, Thank you so much. I got the design through The Blog Decorator.

    Oh, my goodness! Yes. That is my dream, to have a room full of bookshelves and have a sliding ladder. (I can't help but think of Belle.)

    Thanks for stopping by!


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